BRUSSELS, Belgium ─ May 30, 2022 ─ SEMI Europe, the industry association that unites the entire electronics manufacturing and design supply chain in Europe, today urged swift adoption of the European Chips Act and invited discussions on the legislation with the European Parliament, Member States and the European Commission. The Act aims to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness and resilience in semiconductor technologies and applications while enabling the region’s digital and green transition.

SEMI logo“Speedy adoption of the European Chips Act will significantly accelerate Europe’s work to attract investments to build up chip manufacturing capacity and R&D,” said Laith Altimime, president of SEMI Europe. “The Act is also a key step forward for Europe to substantially decarbonize semiconductor manufacturing and drive digital transformation.”

The European Council and Parliament continue to refine the European Chips Act with inputs from semiconductor industry stakeholders. A newly published SEMI Europe position paper offers the following recommendations for consideration of the European Commission, the Parliament, and the Council:

Chips for Europe Initiative

  • Strengthen R&D capabilities and ensure adequate funding.
  • Align new and existing pilot lines with anticipated future needs and trends and support open access to all parties within the EU semiconductor value chain.
  • The Chips Joint Undertaking needs to target Europe’s semiconductor industry needs.
  • Establish a dedicated skills and workforce development funding stream under the Chips Joint Undertaking.

Security of Supply

  • Provide a first-of-a-kind classification to target all relevant technology projects.
  • Foster fast track procedures.

Preparedness and Monitoring

  • Minimize risks to the semiconductor value chain and overall EU economic system.
  • Eliminate redundant data reporting requirements that cause administrative inefficiencies for semiconductor companies.
  • Establish requirements for safeguarding the confidentiality of industry data.
  • Encourage European initiatives with global partners, such as the EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council.


  • Include stakeholders in Europe’s semiconductor ecosystem.

SEMI Europe also co-authored and signed a Joint Industry Statement with other industry stakeholder organizations representing the worldwide and European semiconductor ecosystem. The statement urges the European Commission, the Parliament, and the European Council to do the following:

  • Focus on investment conditions and opportunities to enhance European competitiveness.
  • Create a crisis response framework to help alleviate semiconductor industry disruptions.
  • Involve the semiconductor industry in Europe Chips Act governance.
  • Coordinate actions with global partners.

For more details, contact SEMI Europe:

Visit SEMI Global Advocacy and SEMI Europe Advocacy to learn more about SEMI public policy efforts.

About SEMI

SEMI® connects more than 2,500 member companies and 1.3 million professionals worldwide to advance the technology and business of electronics design and manufacturing. SEMI members are responsible for the innovations in materials, design, equipment, software, devices, and services that enable smarter, faster, more powerful, and more affordable electronic products. Electronic System Design Alliance (ESD Alliance), FlexTech, the Fab Owners Alliance (FOA), the MEMS & Sensors Industry Group (MSIG) and SOI Consortium are SEMI Strategic Technology Communities. Visit to learn more, contact one of our worldwide offices, and connect with SEMI on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Association Contact

Serena Brischetto/SEMI Europe
Phone: +49 30 3030 8077-11
